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Breakdown on the road

Preparing for RV Breakdowns on the Road

If you are planning to go on a road trip, you must prepare for any and all situations that may arise. RV breakdowns can be frustrating to deal with; however, failure to take the proper precautions can lead to danger for you and your family. Because of this, preparing for RV breakdowns on the road is an essential part of traveling that can not be overlooked.

What to do When Your RV Breaks Down?

When your RV breaks down, your top priority is to get it as far to the right on the road as possible. This greatly diminishes the risk of a collision. On top of this, you and your family should remain in the vehicle with your seatbelts on even after you are away from the road. The reason for this is that if a crash does happen, you are giving yourself the best chance of getting out of it injury-free.

If your vehicle is not moving well in neutral or you are by yourself and have no one to push or help steer it, then turn on the hazard lights and wait it out. In any case, it is important that you contact someone for help as soon as you can.

What You Should Bring in the Event of an Emergency

Before going on a trip, make sure that you bring precautions you can use in the event of an emergency. You should bring cones with you that have some form of reflective material on them so they can be seen at night. Place one of the cones 10ft behind your vehicle, 100ft, and 200ft, respectively. Doing so gives other drivers on the road ample time to move to another lane.

Identify the Problem

Identifying the problem can help you determine the proper way to address it. For example, if you are hauling an RV with a vehicle being able to determine whether your vehicle or the RV is the one having may change how you approach the issue. If you are simply out of gas or have a popped tire, then getting everything towed might be avoidable.

Communicating the Problem

Once you have identified the problem, the next step is to communicate it to a person or service who can help you. Upon doing this, all you can do is wait, but you can rest assured knowing that someone is on their way.

We Can Help You!

RV Awnings specializes in making awning fabric of the highest standard and offers a variety of options. If you have any further questions or would like to order replacement fabric for your awning, call us today.

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